Repairing the surrounds on a pair of MeyerSound HD |
November 11, 2015 |
M. D. E. from Vancouver, BC Canada
MeyerSound HD1s are full near-field control room monitors of the highest grade and price. The 8" woofer is removable from the front of the speaker but hides the monstrous heavy magnet assembly that makes it surprisingly heavy. Also, the diameter is not a standard size and I was pleased to find the Dynaudio replacement surrounds. They fit wonderfully for the job, which took 3 days per speaker to make a clean job. Gently cleaning off the cone edge, basket edge and an outer retaining ring used up a whole bottle of solvent (Goof-off), a pile of cotton tips and paper towels and every trick in the book including the excellent instructions included with the surround kit. (Thanks) It took another 2 days to glue and dry the surround to the speaker. Just turned the system on yesterday and OMG!!!! What amazing sound!!!! Thanks for your fast, excellent service and good quality materials. I'll recommend you to all.
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